Tuesday, August 28, 2007


School is back in session!!! Whew!!!! NOW...which task do I attack first? I feel like I'm getting ready to climb Mt. Everest (my "to do" list) :) I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed...can I get a witness?!? But just as I'm short of breath and a heavy weight is settling on my shoulders, I remember what Jesus said, "My yoke is easy and my burden in light." So, I step back, take a deep-cleansing breath, exhale slowly, and TRUST. Trust that my Heavenly Father will give me wisdom to know what to do first. Trust that I will complete the tasks that I NEED to complete, and the rest can wait. Trust Him in everything that I do in order to bring Him glory and not shame. Trust, Trust, Trust. Blessings for your week, Jana

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Thoughts--by Tonia Borgelt (guest blogger)

By Tonia Borgelt

I have a science degree, biology to be more specific. Science deals with facts, data, research, rules... I'm not one to dwell on thoughts of the universe, or delve into the human psyche. But, I must admit that there is something to the power of thoughts. I recently read
As A Man Thinketh by James Allen. (In addition, Orin has read ton of books about this kind of stuff, so we talk about it a lot). I'm beginning to realize that just like the tangible factual world out there, there are hard and fast rules to the human thought world. There is cause and effect in your mind just as in life. What you think about is who you are and what you become. I haven't even scratched the surface of what this book is about, but I wanted to write down my thoughts while I had a spare second. If any of you comment on this and call me a dork I'll be forced to think about your demise.

Thursday, August 2, 2007


Give me a "D"
Give me a "R"
Give me an "A"

Give me a "M"
Give me another "A"
What's that spell "DRAMA"

As women we can sometimes fall into the "Drama Queen" mode. Men don't like to be called "drama", so we'll use the word, "passionate"...it really all boils down to us being OVER-REACTIVE to the situations around us! :) We can "call it" whatever we want to, but when we lay-bare the reality, we just get plain, old, out-of-control emotions. You say, Jana, we've already talked about emotions in one of your blogs, and I say, yes we have, but we still live in our mortal bodies & we still live with our emotions EVERYDAY!

I like to think of "drama" as an "Emotional Soap Opera". In our "emotional soap opera", we live each day re-hashing meaningless, decade-old, sub-thoughts that occupy our every waking moment, thought, and conversation. Our "Emotional Soap Opera" or "Drama" has now become our distraction...exactly where the enemy of Christians wants us...distracted, confused and off-course from the God-given purpose for our lives; distracted away from what TRULY matters in this life leaving no room in our thoughts and conversation for God and His plan!

I read something once that comes to mind now, "Distraction is just one step away from temptation". I thought that was pretty profound. You may ask temptation to what? I can't answer that for you. We all know ourselves and what tempts us. My temptation will be different than yours. I may be tempted to be lazy and quit trying to discipline my kids. I may want to escape into another fiction novel and tell everyone else to go away until they can grow up and act right and take care of me! Some of our temptations might be more detrimental to our health, finances, etc. I'm not trying to preach "gloom & doom", but I think we all need to look at our Dram-o-meter. Are we focusing on what REALLY, REALLY, REALLY matters in this life and to our Eternal life. Are we making a difference where God has called us to make a difference. What are we pursuing?
Are we having "Emotional Soap Operas" more than not?

In the pursuit of less DRAMA :),