Monday, March 22, 2010

I Matter

I had lunch with a future friend last week. It was such a refreshing time to spend with her. She engaged me in conversation about myself and my leadership style, etc. Through her inquiry, I felt God reaffirming in me my value, my worth to His purpose and plan. Not that I ever doubted my value to Him, but as a woman, wife, mother, daughter, and friend, I have found that I have passed through many phases in ministry: singleness, young married, new parent, and now parent of older more independent children. When the kiddos were more dependent, my focus and purpose was ministering to them. As they have become more independent, I have more "me" time, and can focus on ministering outwardly again. My kids are still a ministry focal point, but I don't have all my time spent changing diapers, keeping them out of harms way, feeding them, clothing them, rocking them to sleep, taking every opportunity as a teaching moment. I can see myself as valuable to those outside of my family. I don't mean to sound conceited, that's not my heart or my intent. It's not all about me or "look at me." It's about the view of myself and the value and worth God has placed upon's about me believing that God has a plan for me, Jana Gibson, to make a difference in Kansas City for Him. Thanks Future Friend for your time and for, unsuspecting to you, your affirmation of my heart.

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