Tuesday, August 28, 2007


School is back in session!!! Whew!!!! NOW...which task do I attack first? I feel like I'm getting ready to climb Mt. Everest (my "to do" list) :) I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed...can I get a witness?!? But just as I'm short of breath and a heavy weight is settling on my shoulders, I remember what Jesus said, "My yoke is easy and my burden in light." So, I step back, take a deep-cleansing breath, exhale slowly, and TRUST. Trust that my Heavenly Father will give me wisdom to know what to do first. Trust that I will complete the tasks that I NEED to complete, and the rest can wait. Trust Him in everything that I do in order to bring Him glory and not shame. Trust, Trust, Trust. Blessings for your week, Jana

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